Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity
Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity provides nurse specialists and support for seriously ill children. There are currently over 150 Roald Dahl Nurses caring for more than 36,000 children across the UK.
Children with medical complexity (CMC) have multiple devastating conditions, often rare or even undiagnosed. They require specialist care from numerous consultants, hospitals and health professionals. Many of these children are unable to walk, talk or even eat, and many face a life-limiting diagnosis.
Roald Dahl Nurses are trained and dedicated experts in their field. They are a consistent presence in the child’s life from initial diagnosis through to the child’s transition to adult services. They advise, they reassure, and they become an extended part of the family.
The dedication and expertise of Roald Dahl Nurses reduces A&E visits, hospital admissions and consultant appointments. They’re a vital lifeline to the whole family, coordinating care and providing access to emotional support.
The charity also provides support for families in other ways, including financial and emotional suport services and family workshops.
That’s why we believe every seriously ill child deserves a Roald Dahl Nurse.
Find out more about the charity today and donate at
Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity. Registered Charity No: 1137409. Illustrations © Quentin Blake. Roald Dahl is a registered trademark of Roald Dahl Nominee Ltd.