Deborah Blackburn, Salford council
Deborah Blackburn
Director Children's Commissioning, Nursing and Wellbeing
Salford council

Deborah Blackburn is currently Director of Childrens Commissioning, Nursing and Wellbeing at Salford City Council, Debbie is a Registered General, Childrens, Specialist Community Public Health Nurse and has a PGDip in Public Health, she is also one of the executive leads for Trauma Responsive Greater Manchester with Professor Helen Lowey Public Health Lead/Consultant Greater Manchester Violence Reduction Unit and Dr Paul Wallis Director of Psychological Services/ Chief Psychological Professions Officer Manchester University NHS FT whose aims are to lead innovation and transformation and to promote a shared understanding of the concept of trauma responsive care. Building upon the widespread work of researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and people with lived experience in the field. The evidence about trauma and ACEs highlights the need for multiagency working and a spectrum of information, support and evidence-based intervention for children, young people, adults and families. The impact of trauma and adversity is borne out across generations and an all- age approach to service delivery is necessary if the long-term consequences are to be understood and addressed. By taking a whole system and cultural change programme in developing ‘Trauma and Adversity responsive communities’ and ‘Trauma and Adversity responsive organisations’ we intend to:

  • Reduce the incidence of trauma and ACEs across the population via a universal approach.
  • Mitigate the consequences and promote healing of ACEs and trauma within high risk individuals, families and communities via a targeted approach.
  • Avoid retraumatising those people who have experienced trauma and ACEs.
  • Decrease the population prevalence of ACEs and reduce the population’s average ACE score.