Nursing Times Workforce Summit 2024

28 November 2024

Registration and morning refreshments

09:05 – 09:15

Welcome remarks

Steve Ford, editor, Nursing Times

09:15 – 09:45

Keynote & Q&As: The vision for the NHS Nursing and Midwifery Workforce: Progress and opportunities

This session provides an overview of significant milestones and achievements since the NHS Long-Term Workforce Plan's publication. Over the past year, the NHS has welcomed 17,600 more nurses and expanded medical school places by 25% to meet future workforce demands and address projected staff shortages by 2036/37. Join us to explore these developments and the opportunities they present for the nursing and midwifery workforce

Professor Mark Radford , National Director of Education and LTWP Delivery & Deputy Chief Nursing Officer  Workforce, Training and Education

09:45 – 10:30

Panel Discussion: The NHS Workforce Long-Term Plan: Achievements and Challenges One Year On

A deep dive into the progress being made one year on from the publication of the NHS Workforce Long-Term Plan

  • Overview of progress made since the publication of the NHS Long-Term Plan
  • Key achievements in training the future workforce
  • Successful strategies for retaining existing staff
  • Innovations and transformations in nursing and midwifery practice
  • Challenges faced and solutions implemented

Chair: Steve Ford, editor , Nursing Times

Ed Hughes, chief executive,  Council Of Dean Of Health

Christina Saville, lecturer,  University of Southampton

10:30 – 11:00

Morning refreshments, networking and exhibition

Ideas exchange

Designed to allow the audience to network and consider several workforce priorities. Each session will feature an introduction to the session topics and a panel to share feedback from the discussions. Choose which round table discussion to attend or join the panel discussions stream.

11:00 – 12:20

Education and training – Main stage

Strategic panel discussions and expert keynotes with Q&A sessions




Presentation: Future-Proofing Nurse Education: Insights and strategies for success

11:00 – 11:30

An in-depth exploration of the current landscape and future directions of nurse education within the healthcare sector. This session will focus on effective workforce planning, the role of digital innovation in nursing education, and strategies to ensure a sustainable and high-quality nursing workforce for the future.

Panel Discussion: Implementation of the NHS Workforce Long-Term Education Plan: Innovations, Data, and Success Stories

11:30 – 12:20

A strategic discussion on ways to help with the implementation of the NHS Workforce long term plan on education including:

  • Educational enhancements and new curricula.
  • Presenting data on education and supervision.
  • Apprenticeships and training Reforms
  • Success stories of digital learning implementation.

Dawn Hennefer, Deputy Director Nursing and Midwifery, University of Salford

Brigita Seguis, Head of Impact Evaluation Marketing and Research, Cambridge University Press and Assessment (CUPA)

Transformation - Ideas exchange

Choose the round table with the topic closer to your heart for an interactive session with your peers, guided by an expert moderator.

Focussing on transforming nursing practice and workforce culture to improve patient care and safety.

Intro panel: Round tables topics

11:00 – 11:10

  • Simulation and digital learning implementation.
  • Flexible working initiatives
  • Ensuring digital competency for all nursing and midwifery staff

Sue Cox, Associate Chief Nurse, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust

Round tables discussions

11:10 – 11:50

  • Simulation and digital learning implementation.
  • Flexible working initiatives
    Sue Cox, associate chief nurse, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
  • Ensuring digital competency for all nursing and midwifery staff

Transformation Ideas exchange - Feedback discussion panel

11:50 – 12:20

  • What common challenges have been highlighted in the discussions?
  • What advice would you offer to overcome these challenges?
  • What actions or pledges would you like delegates to take away from this session?

12:20 – 13:20

Lunch, networking and exhibition

13:20 – 14:40

Retention Main stage

Strategic panel discussions and expert keynotes with Q&A sessions


Case study: Supporting whistle-blowers to create a healthier work environment and safer practice.

13:20 – 13:50

Explore strategies to support whistle-blowers, fostering a healthier work environment and enhancing safety practices. Discover ways to encourage transparency and accountability in healthcare settings

Panel discussion: Boosting retention and morale in nursing: Career development and inclusivity

13:50 – 14:40

This panel discussion will address critical strategies for enhancing staff retention and morale within the nursing and midwifery workforce including:

  • Examples of career development and CPD programmes.
  • Addressing issues of bullying and incivility and staff psychological wellbeing at work
  • Strategies for supporting people with visible and invisible disabilities in their career advancement.
  • Pension reforms and flexible working.

Professor Jill Maben OBE , Professor of Health Services Research and Nursing, University of Surrey

Education & Training Ideas exchange

Choose the round table with the topic closer to your heart for an interactive session with your peers, guided by an expert moderator.

Round table discussions dedicated to education and training advancements and reforms.

Intro panel: Round tables topics

13:20 – 13:30

  • Simulation and digital learning implementation.
  • Supporting healthcare assistants transitioning to nursing roles.
  • From Paper to ePortfolio: Streamlining Training, Certification, and Competency Assessment

Paul Matthews, CEO, author, People alchemy

Carol Snape, senior nurse manager practice education, Lancashire & South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust

Round tables discussions

13:30 – 14:10

  • Supporting healthcare assistants transitioning to nursing roles.

Questions for the table:

Carol Snape, senior nurse manager practice education, Lancashire & South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust

  • From Paper to ePortfolio: Streamlining Training, Certification, and Competency Assessment

Questions for the table:

  1. How are you digitising training and certificates? Could you do it better?
  2. How to digitise the observational assessment process for clinical competencies?
  3. Lessons learned from using an ePortfolio at Stockport NHS

Paul Matthews , CEO, Author, People alchemy

Education Ideas exchange Feedback discussion panel

14:10 – 14:40

  • What common challenges have been highlighted in the discussions?
  • What advice would you offer to overcome these challenges
  • What actions or pledges would you like delegates to take away from this session?

14:40 – 15:10

Afternoon refreshments, networking and exhibition

15:10 – 16:30

Transformation - Main stage

Strategic panel discussions and expert keynotes with Q&A sessions

Presentation: Transforming nursing and midwifery practice to optimise patient care

15:10 – 15:40

The NHS Long Term Workforce Plan aims to build a flexible and adaptable healthcare workforce through interdisciplinary collaboration, focusing on advanced training, integrated care models, supportive leadership, and comprehensive workforce planning. The speaker will highlight how to achieve this objective intended to improve patient care by leveraging the diverse skills and expertise of various healthcare professionals.

Panel discussion: Building a future-ready nursing and midwifery workforce

15:40 – 16:30

Transforming the healthcare system is the fucus of the NHS Long term workforce plan, this panel will discuss steps taken to make the best of the incoming technologies and the route forward to expanding nurses roles and responsabilities. Including:

  • Adoption and impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Technology Integration
  • Expanded roles and responsibilities of nursing and midwifery staff.
  • Patient-centred care models
  • Exploration of the nexus between IT and the clinical side.

Tracey Collins, head of international nursing & workforce, Devon Alliance for International Recruitment

Retention Ideas exchange

Choose the round table with the topic closest to your heart for an interactive session with your peers, guided by an expert moderator.

Focusing on employee retention through robust strategies that prioritise wellbeing, continuous professional development (CPD), and promote equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI).

Intro panel: Round tables topics

15:10 – 15:20

  • Utilising restorative supervision to boost morale and support retention and challenges in embedding restorative supervision.
  • Strategies for supporting people with visible and invisible disabilities in their career advancement.
  • Career FastTrack development initiatives

Round tables discussions

15:20 – 16:00

Retention Feedback discussion panel

16:00 – 16:30

  • What common challenges have been highlighted in the discussions?
  • What advice would you offer to overcome these challenges?
  • What actions or pledges would you like delegates to take away from this session?




16:30 – 17:00

Keynote & Q&As


Closing remarks