Best Social Responsibility Programme

Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust
Staff solution to Cost of Living Crisis - Marketplace

"The rising cost of living has pushed households into vulnerable positions impacting health and wellbeing. Our senior leaders are committed to providing sustainable help therefore several marketplaces were set up to help staff. We held marketplaces for our staff offering donated school uniforms, as well as office wear and schoolbooks. For staff in most need they were supported with vouchers to help with the cost of new school uniforms which could be used at specified local school uniform shops. We employ over 8,000 staff so the impact/reach of this initiative made a huge difference in the local community. "

Nuffield Health
The Green Leadership Programme

"The Green Healthcare Leadership programme, delivered by The Florence Nightingale Foundation and in partnership with Nuffield Health and NHSE, supports nurses from across the independent sector to implement innovative, sustainable healthcare projects in their places of work. The programme, which champions nurse-led environmental sustainability, started in October 2022, offers 20 places each year to nurses from across the independent sector. The participants complete the challenge of implementing nurse-led quality improvement projects at their workplaces. These projects have included carbon-reduction and waste management initiatives, resulting in greater use of reusables, reduction of clinical waste, and initiatives that de-carbonise patient pathways." 

Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Health inclusion midwifery service

"The local area experienced an influx of asylum seeking and refugee families. The Trust was not accustomed to serving these families and had little knowledge and understanding of their needs. More widely, it was noted that Black, Asian and other diverse communities were under served in the Trust's research portfolio. A Health Inclusion Specialist Midwife role was created, complemented by the establishment of two Health Inclusion continuity teams. The team worked with the women, staff and with external agencies to develop robust, co-produced pathways of care and tools to ensure optimum outcomes. In addition, an underserved research project was undertaken."

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Clinical Support Worker Widening Participation Project

"A project undertaken by Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, designed to make careers in healthcare more accessible through community engagement, employability support & inclusive recruitment. Our local community has high unemployment levels and diverse populations from a wide range of backgrounds, faiths and cultures. Sheffield is also a City of Sanctuary. Our Employability Lead and Central Nursing Team embarked on a strategic solution partnering with local employability organisations to widen participation in our recruitment, address the large vacancy shortfall of Clinical Support Worker positions across our organisation and build a workforce that represents the diversity of our local population. "

St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
The Sensory/ Dementia Garden

"The Dementia Team became aware that there weren't sufficient outlets in the community for patients living with dementia to enjoy, especially if they were younger, we wanted to create a sensory garden, to encourage all patients, their carers and the staff to visit, and work in. This garden we hoped would help to reduce anxiety and stress, due to it's calming nature, and inclusion of fragrant, tactile, colourful plants and flowers. We wanted to give people living with dementia an opportunity to be included in a garden project, in part growing vegetables to be given to a community fridge."

The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
Supported Employability Programme for Looked after Young People and Care Leavers

"Becoming an adult is a challenging time for all of us. Young people leaving care have often overcome huge challenges but struggle to achieve the same positive outcomes as their peers. In response, the Christie has partnered with local authorities, virtual schools and family hubs to build a Supported Employability Programme for young people in Greater Manchester with care experience. Our approach offers long-term work experience placements, employability coaching, accredited training and interview/CV workshops. Our approach aims to ease the transition from care to independence, giving young people the opportunity to truly explore their potential and start a meaningful career. "

University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire
Saving turtles sustainability shared decision making council

"The Saving Turtles Sustainability Shared Decision Making Council were looking to increase staff awareness and engagement for the NHS Net Zero programme that supported UHCW NHS Trusts Green Plan and reduced its carbon footprint. The clinical projects were working well but what was needed was a project that considered sustainability differently, that encouraged personal responsibility and wellbeing. The challenges were communication and engagement as green fatigue had set in. By making it fun and multidisciplinary working, it was demonstrated how green projects could contribute to personal wellbeing as well as Net Zero. "

University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Establishing a Specialist Neuro-disability Nurse-led Service, closer to the patient’s home

"Patients that have intrathecal baclofen (ITB) pumps need to attend specialist hospitals every few months for their pumps to be refilled and reprogrammed. These patients have complex, long term conditions, often causing pain and reduced mobility. We have c.200 patients travelling to the refill clinic which can be time-consuming. To address this need, we created an outreach service managed by specialist nurses, who can administer refills in locations closer to the patient's home. We overcame challenges around; disability access and governance processes, including contracting and indemnity, to set up the sites. We have successfully established five nurse led services."

University Hospitals of Derby and Burton
Suicide Prevention - Everyone's Business

"One in five of us will have suicidal thoughts within our lifetime and research suggests there are increased suicide related risk-factors working in health and social care. Suicide IS NOT and SHOULD NOT be considered inevitable and this programme highlighted and responded to the need for a proactive shift of culture in how we think about suicide, with a scalable and transferable suite of resources and governance documents for wider learning and integration. We believe Suicide prevention is everyone's business, and the programme brought together key stakeholders to keep people safe, provide early intervention and have potentially life saving conversations. "