Nursing workforce staffing solutions designed for you
As part of the NHS, the NHS Workforce Alliance is uniquely placed to support your nursing workforce strategy. Our comprehensive workforce service extends beyond our procurement agreements that enable the compliant supply of agency, international and bank staff. We also run a rigorous programme of worker compliance audits aligned to NHS Employer standards so you can use our supply agreements with confidence.
Our workforce expertise, supplier relationship management, and in-depth data insights all provide valuable resources, and our team of workforce experts will work alongside you to deliver innovative, tailored operational solutions at department, trust or ICS level.
We can help implement nursing workforce strategies to overcome current challenges such as attracting new staff, managing staff banks, retaining and developing your existing workforce, plus topical issues such as eliminating off-framework spending and reducing price cap breaches.
We are the only NHS England-approved framework provider for workforce that is wholly public-owned and has no profit incentive. As an NHS organisation ourselves, our sole focus is to support its patient services, build talent and secure resources for the long term.
Find out more
Website Link: https://workforcealliance.nhs.uk/
Workforce Alliance Promotional Video: https://youtu.be/-Y4K18WywVw?si=_tni__Xq5cWTfZ7b
Downloadable PDFs:
3: Off-framework checklist flyer
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/nhs-workforce-alliance
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NHS_WA
Arrange a meeting request: frankie.mortimore@workforcealliance.nhs.uk