Preceptorship Programme of the Year

Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
Preceptorship Transformation project

" Preceptorship at BHT has transformed significantly over the past six years, resulting in a hybrid digital program tailored to the needs of its diverse preceptees. Initially, the program faced high attrition rates due to insufficient compliance and support, a backlog from the pandemic, and increased numbers from successful IEN recruitment taking their annual establishment from 120 to more than 400 preceptee’s. By evolving their delivery methods and practices, the team reduced attrition from 20% 2019 to 3.4% 2023 annually and boosted engagement from 50% to 86.3%. Collaborating with external partners, they successfully met the diverse needs of their preceptees."

East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust Preceptorship Team
Comprehensive Preceptorship Development Programme

"The Comprehensive Preceptorship Development Programme (CPDP) is designed to address the evolving needs of healthcare professionals from their early days of clinical practice through to their advanced career stages. By providing a structured and supportive pathway, CPDP aims to cultivate highly skilled, confident, and motivated healthcare professionals dedicated to excellence in patient care."

Guys' and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Accelerated Preceptorship for Internationally Educated Nurses

" Our fantastic newly registered International Educated Nurses (IENs) bring a wealth of experience to Guys and St Thomas’. Our six-month accelerated preceptorship programme is innovatively designed to acknowledge their vast experience and support their distinct requirements. This initiative provides IENs with dedicated support to build confidence, autonomy, and effectively integrate their skills into daily practice. Challenges included adapting the program to meet diverse needs, and the outcome has been overwhelmingly positive, contributing to improved nurses’ wellbeing, belonging, clinical performance and patient care. Aiming not only to accelerate their transition to a newly NMC registered nurse but their career with us."

Imperial College Healthcare Trust
Internationally Educated Nurses Bespoke Preceptorship

" The Internationally Educated Nurses (IEN) Bespoke Preceptorship Programme was created to support IENs once they receive their NMC pin. While many IENs have extensive experience, their needs differ from newly qualified UK nursing students. We developed a tailored programme to help IENs understand the UK healthcare system and maximise their potential. Challenges included varied programme attendance and aligning content with local needs. Outcomes achieved include faster completion times, increased confidence among IENs, and positive feedback from participants. This programme addresses the specific needs of IENs, benefiting both the staff and the Trust."

Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust
Oxleas Nursing Preceptorship Programme

"We noted that our preceptorship programme although successful needed to be modernised and adapted to suit the needs of the contemporary newly registered nurse. To do this, we committed to developing an e-learning platform for preceptees to access their competencies, support and learning content from their phone, but kept our taught sessions face to face. Additionally we changed all of our learning content to be neurodiversity friendly and implemented aspects of gamification and SIM. Core challenges were trust buy in and capacity. The challenges were overcome using retention data, motivation and instilling an attitude of growing our future nurse leaders."

Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust
Springboard at SATH

" Our nursing preceptorship programme ran 2 cohorts per year which was not conducive to the current workforce needs. We collaborated with the ICS to develop a multi professional programme which include 5 core study sessions- Introduction to preceptorship, resilience and wellbeing, quality and safety, leadership and what next post preceptorship. We worked with the patient safety team to develop 2 bespoke sessions- accountability and mock court and a deteriorating patient simulation day. A requirement of the programme is to complete Individual Learning plans to aid in the development of all newly registered staff to grow a skilled and confident workforce."

University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Digital Transformation in Preceptorship: Data-Driven Actions through Enhanced Data Systems and Digital Preceptorship Workbook

"The UCLH Preceptorship Programme transformed the traditional paper-based preceptorship workbook into a digital format using Microsoft OneNote and MS Forms, significantly enhancing its data management. The digital workbook facilitates real-time tracking and feedback, enabling continuous engagement between preceptors and preceptees. It allows preceptees to set objectives, track meetings, and reflect on their progress, with inputs automatically collated for easy monitoring. Additionally, an Enhanced Preceptorship Spreadsheet was developed to manage and track study days, attendance, and scheduling efficiently. Moreover, the digital workbook ensures that each preceptee has a preceptor allocated to them, and that objective setting is timely."

University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust
International and Newly Qualified Bespoke Preceptorship Programme

" Between 2021-2023 the Trust were commissioned to recruit 360 Internationally Educated Nurses (IEN’s) alongside Newly Qualified Nurses (NQN’s). It was acknowledged that IEN’s and NQN’s had different needs for their preceptorship to be meaningful and of benefit, so two bespoke preceptorship programmes were designed. With a team of 4 staff, facilitating two preceptorship programmes concurrently was challenging. The IEN programme featured a 4-week induction upon arrival to the UK and 24-hour pastoral support, whilst the NQN programme had a week long initial programme followed by monthly development days and ‘drop in’ support from the team in the clinical area."

West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
West Herts Preceptorship: Thriving for Excellence

"The Trust preceptorship programme was reviewed in 2022 based on course evaluations and feedback from action learning. The thematic review demonstrated the need to focus on staff wellbeing and career development, leading to redesigning the programme and additional speakers. The PNA and PMA roles were introduced in addition to the PELS service, alongside launching the National preceptorship framework. After gap analysis meeting, we engaged with regional preceptorship lead, working towards achieving the Interim quality mark where West Herts Trust was the first to achieve the award in the EOE region, following the introduction of preceptor forum and Preceptorship champion role."

West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust
To improve attendance of the multi-professional preceptorship programme.

"The purpose of this project was to increase engagement and attendance at the multi-professional preceptorship programme. For us to succeed in doing this, we first needed to understand why staff appeared not to engage with the preceptorship programme, we wanted to establish the thoughts and feelings of the stakeholders involved, such as ward managers, service leads and current preceptees on what were the barriers in attending the study days. We also looked at course feedback from previous preceptees who had completed the preceptorship programme since 2021. This enabled us to analyse in detail to see what the preceptees thoughts were. "